Thursday, 9 May 2013

Nestbox update

The nestboxes in the wood are now monitored with the results sent on to the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) as part of their Nest Box Challenge survey. Ongoing results are shown on the link opposite.

Yesterday we did a periodic check on the initial 30 nestboxes we put up some years ago. 5 had been mindlessly destroyed by our less welcome visitors and have now been replaced by new boxes. 8 hold nesting Blue Tits, 3 nesting Great Tits, 2 Nuthatches; 3 have been damaged seriously by Great Spotted Woodpecker and have been repaired, 6 hold nothing at all and 3 hold nesting material but no other evidence. This is in addition to the 3 owl boxes we have put up and the 50 Dormouse boxes. The Dormouse boxes will be monitored as part of another survey.

We have also just put up 3 other nestboxes alongside the river in the hope of attracting Pied Flycatchers, who have just arrived as migrants and are now looking for nest sites. As their name suggests they eat insects and favour river banks where they maybe able to find more food.

Can you help?
Apart from the ongoing need to replace boxes, there are also large areas of the wood that need boxes of various styles and sizes. We would be very grateful if anybody could make nestboxes for us, supply wood for us or donate money to adopt a nestbox so we can  keep our nestbox project going. If you can help please get in touch or donate using the button below: Thanks!

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